
  • Down Dog | Great Yoga AnywhereDue to the current outbreak, many people are avoiding gathering in large groups, including at yoga studios and other fitness spaces. We believe that stressful times like these are precisely when people need wellness practices the most, and we are committed to doing our part to help out.
  • yogaalles over yoga. Deze pagina wordt beheerd door: Robertje i.s.m.
  • online yoga- en meditatielessen voor …De heilzame werking van Yoga. Door regelmatig yoga te beoefenen, zal je merken dat er iets verandert in je lichaam. Je ademt beter, je algemene houding gaat erop vooruit en je beweegt een stuk leniger.
  • Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) on Instagram • 7,639 photos …2.1m Followers, 1,593 Following, 7,639 Posts – See Instagram photos and videos from Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl)
  • How to Do Yoga: Easy Guide to Correct Poses by a Yoga …Yoga is an ancient set of beliefs in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain traditions that strives towards spiritual discipline. In the West, yoga is less understood for its spiritual component and more commonly known as a physical workout of specific poses, or asanas.